Services & Pricing
The below prices are average pricing, other factors that may affect it include travel, outbuildings, commercial properties and special circumstances so please email or call for an exact quote as we give combination inspection discounts.
For payment we accept personal checks and cash. We are not accepting credit & debit cards at this time. Sorry for any inconvenience.
How to calculate your home inspection prices:
Up to 999 sq ft $350
1,000 to 1,599 sq ft $400
1,600 to 2,199 sq ft $450
2,200 to 2,999 sq ft $500
3,000 to 3,999 sq ft $600
4,000 to 4,999 sq ft $700
5,000 to 5,999 sq ft $800
any larger call for a quote......
Outbuildings / Barns starting at an additional $100 each.
(Old dairy/farm buildings structural integrity not included)
Site condos as above,
Common condos start at $300
What you get:
A professional report backed by over 33 years experience & digital photos taken during the course of your inspection and a good contact for advice, info & referrals now and in the future. Average time for my home inspections is 3.25 hours but some take a bit longer depending on age, conditions, client, questions and any ancillary services. Please allow about a 3-4 hour window (4 - 5hr with a septic inspection) for an average size home and realtors let the sellers know this as well.
Radon Screenings $175, ($125 combo with any other service)
2-3 day short-term tests.
We are totally unbiased with radon testing as we do not install mitigation systems (where the money is at), so you can trust our results. There is no conflict of interest and it is also why you may find testing cheaper elsewhere, cheaper isn't always better! Radon Gas Info Link (Home Buyer's and Seller's Guide)
Wood Destroying Organism Inspections $175, ($75 combo with a home inspection)
This inspection comes on form NPMA33 to satisfy VA mortgage requirements.
Well and Septic prices:
Well operation alone $100
Available Water testing:
Potablility $70, Arsenic and Lead (VA requirement) water testing is available at a charge of $50 each. Comprehensive $250 (includes potability, lead, arsenic, hardness and sodium), Softener test $150 (hardness, iron, pH, sodium). It is recommend that all well water testing include potability and arsenic but it is not required.
Basic $275
This is our lowest level of septic inspection with our standard well service. It includes basic location of the system*** with a flood test through household drains and field cores and probes visual sampling. The well system is checked for sufficient flow and recovery, head is checked whenever possible.
Open Tank $350
This includes our basic well & septic service described above with physical opening of the tank, (excessive digs are an extra $50 per hour when applicable, however rare). The working level of the tank, visible conditions, and outlet device are inspected. This is highly recommended for systems that are 15 years or older or simply unknowns.
Open Tank + pumping starting at $600**
This includes both the above services plus having the first tank pumped at the same time. This may show problems with the tank that would not be visible without removal of the sewage and may also show back pressure from the drainage system. These inspections are required by certain townships, cities, and counties, some of which also require occupancy of the home for 30 days prior to the acceptable inspection.
*Starting pricing includes required potability and arsenic in water testing and county fees. The basic test is only applicable if the County has proper records on file.
**Required by Commeerce Twp, West Bloomfield Twp, Troy Twp and Macomb, Shiawassee, Washtenaw & Wayne Counties. Pumping fees are higher when road frost laws are in effect and if more than one tank is desired/required to be pumped, if applicable.
Septic Tank Locating: Probing method $100, ***transmitter method +$50 if necessary
Air Quality Mold Testing starting at $350
Because of the many variables of mold with any particular home the pricing is not consistant. Please call to obtain a proper estimate.
Visible Mold Surface Testing starting at $100
This testing is for areas of visible mold to answer the question of what strain(s) are present. In some cases more than one sample is required and additional fees may apply.